Friday, 20 July 2007


By which I mean, it's working! But only cos I'm at David's...

Well well, fun and games have been had here all week. The neighbours who played shite drum and base all the live long day have been evicted, and since then they have tried to smash down the front door, the back door, and are suspected of trying to climb though and opposite neighbours bedroom window and slashing him across the stomach. During the night of the slashing and the front door breaking there were armed police (3 cars and a paddy wagon) driving around the street looking for them.

This morning Karen woke David up with an alarmed manner ("DAVID! DAVID!") to which he rish down stairs with his Samuri sword only to find a rather startled housing officer and a flooded living room.


So! What's new in the life of Benny? Not much. I was meant to work last night but didn't due to cramps (fun), I haven't got a "proper" job yet and probably won't until Aug/Sept time when all the students piss off back to uni (not you lucy). I have 3 weeks to loose 2 inches of my circumfrance (I know I'm not a circle) so I can get back into my size 10 prom dress, ready for Linda's 21st birthday masqurade ball. I also want to get fit. I went jogging with linda and was much less puffed out during after than I was last year, so I am fitter, but I'm still not fit. Due tot the attempted rape on the common it is crawling with police and they are advising women to stay off it. Luckily Linda recently joined my gym so we can go up there together.

I love not having any "having to's" but I would prefer to be a bit more constructive with my bumming around; that meaning finish my room, look for work, get fit, get organised in general and see some mates...

I am free, always, so text me and I will come see you. Although I dunno when I'm working next week so it might have to fit around that.

Woop to the world!

Love you guys *hugs*.

ps. Harry Potter has apparently pissed off some Jews (much to Jen's neighbour's delight I imagine!) because they are opening shops on their day of rest thing to sell the book.

Fun fun fun.